Digital Marketing Insights

According to HubSpot, companies that increase blogging from 3-5 times a month to 6-8 times a month almost double their leads.

Business blogging is a crucial part of your online marketing strategy. It helps your company gain exposure, introduces you as a thought leader in your industry and aids in earning your audience’s trust. Furthermore, it is a marketing asset that has the ability to attract qualified traffic and generate new leads for your business. If you are not using your business blog to generate new leads, you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity!

In order to generate leads from writing blogs, you need to first attract qualified traffic to your blog. Creating attention-grabbing content that is optimized for your user is a great place to start. Having numerous people visit your blog is great, but you don’t necessarily want everybody. Think quality over quantity – you want people who would actually be interested in your product or service, as these people are more likely to end up converting into customers. Think about what your target audience finds interesting and appealing and how you can solve their problems or meet their needs. Optimizing your content for your audience will ensure you attract high-quality traffic and leads to your site.

Once you have a blog following you can turn these visitors into leads by using calls-to-action (CTAs). CTAs are critical for lead generation. They tell readers what you want them to do and encourages them to take that next step.

When writing blogs you need to include at least one CTA in every post. Make sure the offer you want to highlight matches the content you have written in the post. For example – if you’re blog is about the importance of creating quality content for your website, then you may want to include a link to a landing page that offers a free downloadable ebook you’ve created, such as The Essential Guide for Creating a Powerful Content Strategy (now how easy is that?). Other offers many include links to an upcoming or archived webinar, a free consultation, a demo request, the list goes on and on…

Another great place for CTAs are on your blog homepage. The top of your blog as well as its sidebar are great places to position banners and buttons in order to generate leads. Create CTAs that are visually appealing and encourage the visitor to take that next step – such as a “Download Now” button that takes the user to a landing page that offers your free downloadable ebook. You may also want to test out which offers are performing best to ensure you’re getting maximum lead generation power out of this space.

Leads are the true measure of a successful blog as they fuel the growth and success of your business. To successfully generate leads from writing blogs you needs to provide high–quality content and strong offers that will encourage visitors to take that next step.

How are you using your blog to generate leads? I would love to hear about it in the comments box below!

Business Blogging eBook

Mouneeb is an experienced digital marketing strategist with a passion for helping clients achieve their goals online. With over 15 years of experience in designing, developing, and managing a team that develops top-notch web projects, he brings a wealth of information to the teams that he leads and the leaders that he follows.

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