Digital Marketing Insights

If a particular website ranks well for a certain amount of time, it may not necessarily stay on top of rankings if the website owner doesn’t update it with a new design that helps to match the ranking criteria laid down by search engines.

Sometimes, you may also get the feeling that your website is outdated and consider a complete website redesign, which is not always a bad thing. It would give you a chance to completely refresh your website, thereby grabbing the attention of internet users. Here are the top eight reasons why you should seriously consider redesigning your entire website.

1. It doesn’t work well, especially on mobile

Have you actually recently tried viewing your website on your smartphone?

Internet users mostly browse the internet using their smartphones, especially during their commute. So if you feel that your site does not look good on a mobile screen or the font is barely readable, then it’s about time you considered a redesign.

More specifically, you would need to change your website from the regular desktop version to a mobile-friendly website design. This will help you get better rankings on Google as they prefer mobile friendly sites that provide a great user experience.

2. It just doesn’t look great

Does your site contain word art and flashy animations that are so 2000’s?

When you look at your website every day and feel tired of seeing the same generic design, then why not try revamping it with a better layout and design? An outdated website design will not help keep your audience engaged a very long time on your website. Once you redo your site, you might even get a new set of visitors coming to have look at your redesigned website.

An outdated website design will not help keep your audience engaged a very long time on your website. Once you redo your site, you might even get a new set of visitors coming to have look at and engage with your redesigned website.

3. It’s not easily managed

Finding it a bit too difficult to update or manage the content on your website? Well, one way to get rid of this nightmare is to upgrade your website with a design that includes a content management system (CMS). A CMS allows you to easily add and update content to your website. So whenever you want to remove old content from your website and add fresh new data in its place, then a CMS will help you do this quickly and very easily.

Well, one way to get rid of this nightmare is to upgrade your website with a design that includes a content management system (CMS).

4. You don’t see your site ranking

All website owners are after one thing, a good ranking on every search engine’ results page. If you see that your site is not ranking on the first 2-3 results pages, then one of the causes might be your website design itself. Internet users love websites with a design which allows them to find the information they need and helps them navigate through the site with ease. Choosing a design that allows them to access the site on their mobiles would be an added bonus.

If you see that your site is not ranking on the first 2-3 results pages, then one of the causes might be your website design itself.

5. It just isn’t cutting it anymore

If you own a website, then you would expect it to draw in a decent amount of visitor traffic to come and check out the products or services that you are offering. However, if it doesn’t give you that decent amount of online traffic that you are expecting, then your website would just become a monthly expense without giving you any returns. A good website redesign may increase visitor traffic, thus giving you enough leads of new customers that will more than make up for the redesigning cost.

However, if it doesn’t give you that decent amount of online traffic that you are expecting, then your website would just become a monthly expense without giving you any returns. A good website redesign may increase visitor traffic, thus giving you enough leads of new customers that will more than make up for the redesigning cost.

6. It doesn’t receive many hits and visitors don’t stick around

Like we mentioned earlier, if your site doesn’t reel in your intended audience, then you won’t get any returns on your investment for hosting the site on the internet. Also, if your website does not have a good enough design or it is difficult for visitors to use your website, then they will not stick around for long. Developing a simple, attractive and easy-to-use design will get you more hits for your website.

Also, if your website does not have a good enough design or it is difficult for visitors to use your website, then they will not stick around for long. Developing a simple, attractive and easy-to-use design will get you more hits for your website.

7. Your competitors’ site is more popular

Does your competitors’ website get more traffic that yours? Well, then have a quick look at their website design and see what changes you can make to your own website based on your research. You can even take the help of professional web designers who can help you design a similar or even better website.

Well, then have a quick look at their website design and see what changes you can make to your own website based on your research. You can even take the help of professional web designers who can help you design a similar or even better website.

8. Your business is doing better than your website

Sometimes you might notice that your actual business is doing way better than your website, which is unable to keep up in helping you get more customers.

Often over time (and ideally!), businesses grow and evolve, entering into new markets, updating their branding. Sometimes in the hustle-and-bustle, a website may get neglected in the meantime.

Instead of just shutting down your entire website, try giving it a refresh by improving the layout, style, content, etc. 

Are you currently thinking about a website redesign?

We would love to chat with you! Give us a call for a free website analysis and complimentary session.

Or feel free to share your thoughts and any other reasons you may have for redesigning your website in the comments section below.

Mouneeb is an experienced digital marketing strategist with a passion for helping clients achieve their goals online. With over 15 years of experience in designing, developing, and managing a team that develops top-notch web projects, he brings a wealth of information to the teams that he leads and the leaders that he follows.

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