Digital Marketing Insights

From inspiring keynotes, educational talks to meeting like-minded people and establishing beneficial contacts, Digital Bootcamp YXE 2017 had it all.

Couldn’t make it?

No worries, we have compiled these key event highlights for you!


The event started with an informative session by Steve Whittington on 

“Codifying the Customer Journey” 

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It is a no-brainer to see how informed and active current customers are. As Steve pointed out “Customer expectations transcend industries: The leaders in customer service: Amazon, Apple, Nordstrom, Disney set the bar, not your local competition.”

So, if you want to differentiate your brand in the marketplace and create value then make Customer Experience your focus. And to do that it is important to understand the customer journey.

Steve has broken down the customer journey with an organization is broken into four stages, namely Stimulus, The Sales Process, The After Sales Process and Retention and Referral.


Each of these stages can be measured using various data points from software, surveys, and customer information. Improving any one of these stages or “moments of truth” can influence your business results.

Steve inspired us with these suggestions:

  • Understand that revenue is not a KPI. It is an outcome of managing the important customer journey KPI’s.
  • The metrics gauge your culture by creating objective measurement around customer behaviour.
  • Data needs to be used and shared to create value. Use the data for teachable moments that create clarity and understanding on behaviours that either do or do not align with the standards of your customer journey.

The next speaker Sydney Smith shared her thoughts and expertise on

“Non-Profits and Branding”

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Sydney showed us how SARCAN Saskatchewan and SARCAN Recycling have used different digital channels to engage and grow their online community.

These were the most valuable lessons from her talk that we thought every brand can use include:

  • Authenticity

There is no need to fabricate information. Authenticity is what attracts our audience and makes them connect with you. Evaluate your organization’s strengths and uniqueness and reflect that in your community.

  • Consistency

Be consistence in your look and feel across all channels, and also in posting information. This leaves the audience with a strong and singular impression of who you are and what you stand for, and when they can expect the next piece from you!

  • Connectivity

Apart from sharing valuable information, the idea is to form an emotional connection with the audience. You can do this by showcasing your team, internal projects, and behind the scenes videos. This personal and human-focused type of content helps them relate to your brand and establish trust.

The streak of great sessions was continued by Noelle Chorney, who explained why and how

“Content Really IS King”

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Noelle first took us through the faulty assumptions around content, which are thinking that:

  • Content is ‘just a design element’
  • Content is ‘just data.’
  • “It’s JUST content.”

If you too have been holding onto these assumptions then don’t feel bad, we all have been there. Instead, try to replace your assumptions with some CONTENT truths, which according to Noelle are:

  1. Content is messy.
  2. Content is overwhelming.
  3. “Everything the light touches is content.” —Ann Handley, Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide for Creating Ridiculously Good Content

In short – Give content the attention, time and resources it deserves.

How to do that? Here are Noelle’s top tips:

  • Ask “Why?”, “What?” and “Who?” (before you start a project).
  • Design with real content.
  • Choose a Content Management System based on your content needs.
  • Educate your team about the importance of content.

“The Panel Discussion”

Our Panelists Rauncie Kinnaird, Noelle Chorney and Sydney Smith discussed how digital presence and marketing helped them in transforming their businesses and organizations. The panel also addressed queries of the attendees.


Watch the Panel Discussion

Up next were Mouneeb Shahid and Gurwinder Singh, who enlightened the audience about the key components for

“Crafting a Digital Strategy”

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The presentation entailed:

  • Key components of a Digital Strategy
  • Steps to build the Digital Strategy
  • Understanding Data and Analytics

Watch the Presentation

The last session by Lorie Willms gave an outstanding overview for

“Getting Your Virtual Doorway in Shape”

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According to Lorie, “Buying decisions and  First impressions are made ONLINE.”

HOW? Through the following Five Pillars:

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To get your Virtual Doorway in share you need to start by fixing these pillars.

Looks overwhelming? Don’t worry, Take a deep breath and start with the following short exercises that Lorie suggested:

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That’s all!

Seems a lot? Well, imagine what more you could have gotten if you made it to the event 😉

But not to worry, SIGN UP now to stay updated about such events in future.

Now, A big thank you to everyone who made it out to the event on June 22, 2017. We enjoyed seeing you all there!

Check out the Event Photos.


If you have any questions you’re dying to have answered, please leave us a comment below.

Mouneeb is an experienced digital marketing strategist with a passion for helping clients achieve their goals online. With over 15 years of experience in designing, developing, and managing a team that develops top-notch web projects, he brings a wealth of information to the teams that he leads and the leaders that he follows.

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