Digital Marketing Insights

[Ep 21] YouTube’s live streaming, Instagram’s lesson in layout, Fact checking by Google and Facebook’s unique insights. Explore these interesting news and announcements and get ready to influence the digital world around you in just 2 minutes. Every Tuesday at 2:22. 

YouTube Rolling Out: Mobile Live Streaming

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Feb. 7, 2017 – Built directly into the YouTube Mobile App, this features is all set to take live-streaming up a notch

YouTube claims that “it will put the power of live streaming in the hands of hundreds and thousands of talented creators”

I am surely looking forward to play around with this POWER 😀

Google Fact Checking is Expanding

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Feb. 15, 2017 – To brush up your memory, Google introduced a Fact Check tag last October in France and Germany

What is new in that you ask?

Well, Google has now expanded the feature by recently introducing it in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. Never fear! Canada isn’t far now!

Layout Tips and Inspiration by Instagram

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Feb. 16, 2017 – There is a new app in the market and it is going to turn up your Insta game!

Flip, Turn or Mirror single or multiple images with Layout App. Go ahead use Insta tips and inspirations to become the fun brand

Insights to Get Better at 360 Video Facebook

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Feb. 16, 2017 – Facebook has been watching the best 360 videos and accumulated some deep insights. Don’t worry,  you won’t have to sniff through all the data to get some valuable suggestions.

Facebook has already done that for you 😉

  1. Use narration or an on-camera host
  2. Use 360 audio link
  3. Think about the timing of transitions
  4. Use text to augment your video

Until next Tuesday…

Hopefully, these news bytes will take your digital marketing to the next level! If you love these updates, please share it on Facebook!

What news have you found to be game changing this week? Please feel free to share in the comments.

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Mouneeb is an experienced digital marketing strategist with a passion for helping clients achieve their goals online. With over 15 years of experience in designing, developing, and managing a team that develops top-notch web projects, he brings a wealth of information to the teams that he leads and the leaders that he follows.

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